Valedictory & SKOCH Awards
India Economic Forum & Awards
India Economy Forum (IEF) is India’s marquee platform that brings together foremost economists and heads of financial institutions to shape economic agendas in India. SKOCH IEF is the only independent & unbiased forum that is trusted by all stakeholders, irrespective of their affiliations and associations, which resonates with our collaborative spirit to push for positive change.
With the Indian economy on the path to recovery after COVID-induced slowdown, the importance of a resilient economic framework and ecosystem has become obvious. However, several important issues will need to be addressed and several greenfield areas developed before this vision can be realized. With that in mind, the SKOCH Group had organized the India Economic Forum from 4th Feb to 26th March, 2022. The first-ofits- kind forum brought together more than 90 high-profile luminaries from economics and finance over 11 highly engaging sessions to touch upon several burning issues with direct market and policy impact.
Five key tracks were identified with direct relevance to the growth of the economy and the vision of transforming India into a global economic powerhouse by 2025 and included “Economy”, “Markets”, “Finance”, “Sustainability” and “LITFest”. The tracks, panels and the exhaustive discussions will culminate in the Grand Finale, scheduled for 26th March, 2022, where the recommendations from all the tracks on spatially dispersed, job generative & equitable growth will be presented to the top decision makers and leaders from economy and finance.

Jayant Sinha
Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha
Challenger Award: Parliamentarian of the Year’

Bibek Debroy
Chairman, EAC to Prime Minister
IEF Award: Lifetime Achievement

Nirmala Sitharaman*
Hon’ble Finance Minister
Valedictory Address
(* confirmation awaited)

Amitabh Kant
Plenary Keynote

Amar Patnaik
Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha
Challenger Award: Parliamentarian of the Year

Montek Singh Ahluwalia
Literature Award: Backstage: The Story Behind
India’s High Growth Years’

Ashwini Deshpande
Professor, Ashoka University
IEF Award: Gender Economics

Sameer Kochhar
Sameer Kochhar Chairman, SKOCH Group
Secretary General, CAII

Kulmeet Bawa
President, CAII
President & MD, SAP India

Sudipto Mundle
Chairman, Centre for Dev Studies
IEF Award: Economic Policy

Siraj Hussain
Senior Visiting Fellow, ICRIER
IEF Award: Agriculture Economics

Radhicka Kapoor
Senior Visiting Fellow, ICRIER
IEF Award: Labour Economics

Mahendra Dev
Director & VC, IGIDR
IEF Award: Development Economics

Rama V Baru
Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Challenger Award: Public Health

Mohan Kumar
Chairman, RIS
IEF Award: Trade Economics

Shrayana Bhattacharya
Literature Award: Desperately Seeking Shahrukh: India’s Lonely Young Women and Search for Intimacy and Independence’

Ajay Thakur
Head-SME & Startup, BSE
IEF Award: MSME Enablement

Salman Anees Soz
Literature Award: ‘Unshackling India – Hard Truths and Clear Choices for Economic Revival’

Ajay Chhibber
Literature Award: ‘Unshackling India – Hard Truths and Clear Choices for Economic Revival’

Viral Acharya
Literature Award: ‘Quest for Restoring Financial Stability in India’

SKOCH Public Service Award



SKOCH Challenger Award