Indian Economy by 2047
Indian Economy By 2047 | 28 Feb 1830-2000

‘Unshackling India – Hard Truths and Clear Choices for Economic Revival’ by Ajay Chhibber and Salman Anees Soz examines, how India use the next twenty-five years, when it will reach the hundredth year of independence, to restructure not only its economy but rejuvenate its democratic energy and unshackle its potential-to become a genuinely developed economy by 2047?
As India enters its seventy-fifth year of independence, conventional policy is unlikely to combat the breadth of its economic challenges. Across a range of areas-human capital, technology, agriculture, finance, trade, public service delivery and more-new ideas must now be on the table.
The book sets the stage for an interesting discourse on economic revival and re-engineering, changing the role of the state, developing human capital, unleashing competitiveness and being future ready through some key ideas that it proposes:
- Reducing the scope and reach of the state and strengthening its capability
- Greater focus on learning, skilling, and health outcomes – including nutrition
- Ending women’s exploitation: economic, political, legal and gender violence
- Re-engineering the economy for more inclusive growth
- Pursuing next generation reforms for realising demographic dividend
- Preparing to leave behind a better country for our children
- Reshaping India’s economic and social trajectory

Mohua Mukherjee
Senior Research Fellow
Oxford Institute of Energy Studies

Ajay Chhibber
Inst for Intl Economic Policy
George Washington University

Salman Anees Soz
Economist, Author
and Commentator

Alok Ranjan
Former Chief Secretary
Uttar Pradesh

Ajit Ranade
Gokhale Institute of Politics
and Economics

Nisha Agrawal
Economist &
Former CEO, Oxfam India

Sekhar Bonu
DG, Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office, NITI Aayog

Puja Mehra
Author &
Economic Journalist